How To Be Mentally Stronger

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Mental toughness- why do we need it, what is it and how do we acquire it? In the pursuit of goals and building your online business we’re going to need to lean into a well of positive self discipline, and today I'm going to teach you how to build your own. 

The Difference Between Positive and Negative Self-Discipline 

No one is born with more resilience than others- it’s just how often you’ve had to exercise that muscle. When we don’t stretch that muscle, we start having those negative beliefs that we are lazy and we can’t do the hard things. The best way to do this is through positive self-discipline. This is required in order for us to reach our goals. If it’s positive self-discipline, it is one of the most important aspects to reaching our highest self. Negative self-discipline is more like a punishment or coming from a place of fear than coming from a place of love for yourself.

Fear decision: I am working out so that people will like me more as a skinny person

Love decision: I am going to work out because I know I feel better afterwards

When you have a habit of forcing yourself, this is how you create a negative association with self-discipline. When you move into a positive self-discipline space, this starts to move you into creating mental toughness.

The 4 Characteristics of Mentally Tough People

Optimistic- this is not the same as false positivity. False positivity is about being inauthentic; optimism is about being able to identify that where you’re at right now, is not where you want to be. You have a positive outlook on the future and are able to create your own path! False positivity will bring on emotional rigidity.

Adaptable- this is about being able to pivot when necessary and seeing obstacles as opportunities. Someone not signing up for your program and shutting down the cart early is not adaptable. We have to be able to take a moment and see what great things may lie ahead. See what’s working and what’s not and figure out how to move forward.

Positive Self-Discipline- creating self-discipline out of love will create this positive self-discipline. Being true to yourself allows you to create this positive self-discipline and caring for yourself is an act of self love and self discipline. Make sure you check in with yourself and weigh out your choices. You want to respond instead of react to situations.

Process Their Emotions- these people have the tools to process their emotions and don’t become overrun by their emotions. You are able to make choices from a calm, objective state. You have the ability to recognize when you’re in a high emotional state and avoid making big decisions in this space.

How to Create Your Own Well of Positive Self-Discipline 

Get yourself a clear glass container and some glass river rocks and you are going to use it to track your positive self-discipline. You are going to identify something you want to track (ex. a promise, a habit, experiences) and every time you follow through with something, place a glass rock in the glass. Over time as you fill this jar, it will be a physical reminder of what you have completed, what you have done and all the promises you've kept to yourself.