Letting Go of Survival Mode with Alexandria

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In this episode, we have a coaching call with a special guest, Alexandria! Alexandria works in the automotive industry and also owns her own business as an art instructor for wine glass painting. Her passions include art, fitness, fostering kittens, and aspires to tap into her feminine energy more to pursue her passions and create a more healthy, balanced life.

I invited her onto the show to share about how we can balance our feminine energy around all the things. Also, wanted to give a shoutout to Alexandria for her vulnerability and honesty throughout this episode!

Alexandria’s story around her inner child & self worth

Whose love did you crave most when you were a child: mom or dad? Next, who did you have to be in order to receive that love? These are the two questions that prompt an awareness of their inner child. Alexandria shared how she craved her mom’s love. She thought she had to become someone successful, someone her mom saw as successful, and someone her mom can be proud of. She had to become a people pleaser that had to do many things while also being perfect. Inner child healing is another form of self-discovery. We learn as a child what receives love and what doesn’t receive love. We amplify the parts of ourselves that receive love and downplay the parts that do not. Alexandria learned at a young age that her self worth was measured by the things she did and felt that’s what gave her value. With Alexandria doing all the things, all she wanted was her mom to be proud of her. This is the energy that drove her successes. We attract the energy that we’re in. When we operate from a wounded inner child, we feed into our false stories.

Letting go of resentment & survival mode

Alexandria took the time to speak to her inner child who was struggling with resentment and constantly being in survival mode. She tells her inner child that she is worthy of love and is enough, every single day. She tells her that she is worthy. It is our responsibility to give ourselves the love and validation that we seek externally. A big secret to life is being more aware! Find small pockets in life where you can love and see yourself is going to open things up for your entire world.

Shifting your mindset from surviving to thriving

These steps are something to consider when it comes to shifting your mindset:

  1. Letting go of the “all or nothing” mentality.

    1. Things can be this AND that rather than this OR that

  2. Look at your core values

    1. Things to consider:

      1. Am I doing this for my ego?

      2. What is in alignment with me?

      3. What can I not align with anymore?

  3. Don’t make life altering decisions until 48 hours have passed

    1. Making slow integrations are key

    2. Change the energy/intentions behind what you’re doing

Learning to the heal the feminine energy

Healing the feminine energy is about bringing more passions into your life. If you’re looking to tap into your feminine energy and create more space for passions in your life, come join Mindset Makeover Membership. Alexandria’s story is the culmination of many other women’s stories in the membership and you can gain the support and community that will keep you accountable throughout your journey to your highest self.