How to Step Into Your Purpose

Ready for a super loaded question that haunted me for years? What's your purpose? I love and hate this question because talk about the pressure... What if I chose the wrong purpose? What if it's too simple? Who am I to believe I have such a strong or big purpose in life? If you’re feeling overwhelmed every time you think about this and you want to figure it out, today’s episode is perfect for you.


I believe that our purpose in life is to find our purpose and fulfill our soul’s journey. I believe that our soul’s journey IS our purpose. We may have a couple of purposes in our life and that doesn’t mean that one is better than the other. For example, one of my purposes is to help women. Yes, it sounds generic and broad but I’ve come to realize how helping women has been a common theme in my life starting from helping women in their fitness/nutrition journey to helping women with their life/spiritual journey. Our passion is the vehicle that drives the theme of our life. We’re going to have multiple purposes in our life, some may align with the theme of your life; and you can pursue multiple, different purposes in your life. Please don’t put yourself in a box. Give yourself permission to think big and beyond and give yourself permission to change your mind.

The Law of Dharma

PSA: You don’t need to have gone through a traumatic or life changing experience in order to discover that a purpose exists within you. “The Law of Dharma the 7th and last law in Deepak Chopra’s Seven Spiritual Laws of Success. He says, “Everyone has a purpose in life...a unique gift or special talent to give to others.” I full heartedly agree with this as I too believe that every single one of us was put into unique situations and obstacles to overcome to be the person that we are today. Just by being alive, you have a purpose. In the Law of Dharma, Deepak Chopra asks us to: “Seek your higher Self. Discover your unique talents. Ask yourself how you are best suited to serve humanity. Using your unique talents and serving others brings unlimited bliss and abundance.” -- I think the purpose of our life is to create gifts with our talents and give it away.

Uncovering your purpose is the process of unlearning. We are born perfect and go through experiences that have allowed us to feel less than or not good enough creating limiting beliefs within us. Fulfilling our soul’s journey means uncovering our purpose to unlearn what we were taught to make space for who we be; and come home to ourselves. You are born with all the answers already within you. If anything I’ve ever said ever resonated with you, it’s not because I’m telling but rather reminding you of wisdom that you already knew to be true. 

Your Purpose is an Energetic State of Being Not a Destination


Stepping into your purpose is a process of also releasing, surrendering, and trusting that what is for you will not pass you and everything is happening for you in the right timing. Purpose is not a destination, it’s not about getting somewhere or attaining something. Purpose is an energetic state of being. In the past, I attached this thought that you need to be doing something big in order to be living out your purpose and of course I’ve come to realize that isn’t the case. Your purpose isn’t something that you strive to achieve but rather something you can be right now.

I want you to think about who you’re being and if you’re being your highest self. If you’re being your highest self, that’s how you know you’re living out your purpose. No purpose is too small. From personal experience, I would judge myself with negative self-talk when I would think about what my purpose is. My negative self-talk felt that my purpose wasn’t good enough, wasn’t big enough, and questioned why I thought I could have the purpose of a change maker. If you experience this negative self-talk, you don’t have to believe everything you think.

How to Create Your Purpose


In order to start creating your purpose, there has to be a shift in perspective. In the book “GRIT” by Angela Duckworth she talks about a story of bricklayers responding differently when being asked what they were doing. One brick responds from the perspective of having a job, the second brick responds from the perspective of a career, while the third brick shares its calling. All bricklayers are doing the same thing in our eyes but it’s the mindset that makes all the difference in how the bricks viewed themselves. Your purpose is in who you’re being everyday. Examples look like: Are you just making food for your kids or are you nurturing and nourishing their bodies for their health and wellness? Are you just a mom or are you cultivating the next generation?

Our purpose is to use different parts of our life that lights us up and to pursue it no matter how unconventional it may be. Lean into your hobbies to discover and uncover how the things you love align with a theme in your life.

4 Ways to Step Into Your Purpose Today


Part of your purpose is healing the pain you have within and bringing that peace and healing to others; this is our soul’s journey. I want people to feel like they matter and this is the pain I’d like to eliminate from the world.

Back to what I said about our purpose being an energetic state rather than a destination, understand that your purpose is not outside of you; it’s within you. Reflect on how you can be your purpose in the smallest parts of your day.

Acknowledge the parts of you that are already living out your purpose.

Oftentimes this looks like habits, beliefs, identities -- the deep, shadow work within ourselves.
